Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wedding on the Brain

Well, as it turns out I have major wedding on the brain.  Here's why...

I'm getting married in less than two months....yay!

I've decided to DIY most of the wedding (1) to save money, (2) because I enjoy making things, and (3) because I'm not a big fan of a lot of traditional wedding decor that I've found for sale.

So here's what I've made.

A flip flop bucket for the dance floor!

Sorry about the crazy shadows...I took these pics in the evening and later realized I probably should have played around with the blinds a bit more.  Oh get the idea though!  I bought about 25 pairs of flip flops in old navy in various sizes (all women's...I don't see any of the men at this wedding wanting they don't have heels they will  need to kick off).  The tags on them were pretty ugly so I cut them off and made my own size tags and tied the pairs together with ribbon.  Oh, and the bucket is from target - it's supposed to be a beverage bucket. 

I'll show some more projects later this week...because that's one of many.

So after working on wedding stuff and taking a lot of pictures, I turned on the TV...

and low and behold it was Craft Wars night.  And on top of that...the challenge was wedding themed!

Well, here's the thing, I honestly wasn't impressed with the projects last night...they made a photo booth and a wishing tree (and no pics are up online yet) and they both looked a bit sloppy and not like something I would have at my wedding.  I get that they only have 5 hours and have to use things like baby blankets...but I still wasn't too impressed and really felt like neither contestant deserved $10K for what they created. was a lot of wedding for one night.

My wedding on the brain theory (yes, we're calling it a theory now) was confirmed when I had a crazy dream, well nightmare, last night.  It was Mr. J.G.'s and my wedding and for some reason we were in a church (not part of the plan) and we found out that our wedding was like the 10th thing on the list for them to do so we were just sitting waiting while there was a "SNL church lady"-esque service.  Mr. J.G. was just sitting there getting mad about it (yes, we were sitting together and didn't even have the big walk down the aisle moment) and talking about how we should demand a refund which I agreed.

Then, my bridesmaids all starting filtering in after the service started, only half of them weren't my actual bridesmaids that I plan to use.  They were all wearing little house on the prairie type of outfits because apparently those were the dresses I had picked was all very Big Love.

Except for one bridesmaid (once again...not even an actual person that's going to be in the wedding) that didn't want to buy a dress so she just came in her old wedding dress.

This is perfectly normal, right???  Right guys???

Oh, and one last completely un-wedding related is my mom's birthday!  And she's awesome!

This is me, my mom, and my granny at my sister's wedding (like 5 years ago...yeesh).

Happy Birthday Mom!!!  A true role model on being a strong woman and raising strong women that don't take no shit (sorry about the cussing, mom).


  1. I agree with the comment, cussing included. Happy Birthday Mom!!

  2. I like the flip flop idea! the drink bucket is great too!

    1. Thanks! One of my fav things about wedding planning is already thinking about re-using everything after the wedding...I already have some ideas for that drink bucket!
