
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Pinterest Inspired Laundry Room

We've been slowly working on making our laundry room a little cuter, so I thought I'd show our few projects thus far.

I made the very pinterest inspired faux metal letters...

They were super simple to make...just simple paper mache letters from the craft store, spray paint them with silver metallic paint, then sand to give them an aged look.  Mr. JG hung them (I'm thinking he had to drill holes in the back of the letters to get them to hang...but who knows, that's his deal).

Speaking of Mr. JG - he also made this awesome dryer stand while I was out of town a few months ago...

It is of course very pinterest's the original link and tutorial that he used:

He had to make ours a bit shorter so that our washer could still fit under our built in cabinets.  This meant a rather long search to find some shorter baskets that would fit (eventually Hobby Lobby delivered).  I added some vinyl letters and we were set!

Oh and no, I don't have wild birds flying around my house that feed in my laundry room.  I hang my feeders in here during the winter so they won't get damaged/frozen outside.

So go...make your own laundry pedestal (or maybe just faux metal letters...those are a lot easier).

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