
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A few new things around here...

As it turns out, everyone's a critic.  I got some heat over the picture of half naked men Olympians on yesterday's blog from the 'ol ball 'n chain.  Who doesn't like looking at talented athletes in their prime?  Mr. JG apparently.  Don't worry though ladies, I won't let that stop me :)

In other news, I thought I'd show off a few new things around here (in case you missed them).

First, I'm really digging my new blog design.  I found this great template online and after a little bit of cussing and frustration, eventually got it installed. 

I even stepped it up a notch this week and added a blog button!

You can grab one over here ---------------------------------------------------->

Oh, and I got some business cards off of that fit the new theme and look of Jane's Girl Designs (and actually have the blog URL on them)

But I think my favorite part may be the back...

I really wanted to put "keep calm & craft on" in vinyl on my car right under this awesome hot glue gun sticker...

But I haven't quite gotten up the nerve.  I feel like i already is a lot going on...and the wording might just push it over the edge of crazy.

Oh, and just to spite Mr. JG...

Enjoy those Olympics, ya'll!


  1. I for one, sincerely appreciated the pics of the Olympians yesterday and today ;) I mean, what a great way to start the day!

    1. Yeah Girl! I would imagine if anyone looks at my google history the whole "male olympic swimmers shirtless" searches may throw them off. But clearly, it's just blog research.

  2. I saw him adjusting is swim pants after he won the gold medal. It was too much in a totally awesome way.

    1. There's been a lot of "avert your eyes" comments made in our house during the swimming events. It's pretty delightful!
